Day and night ahmedg 5s
we get day and night
you ever wondered how we get day and night?if so, finish whatever
you're doing and read on to find out!
and night are natural phenomenons.At day, there is daylight and
people are awake and active. At night, there is darkness and people
are asleep. It happens on earth at different times, depending on what
time zone you are in. It affects all living things.
we experience is the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.
This is'nt true. The sun is'nt really moving at all as we orbit the
sun on our axis.The earths axis, an imaginary line , which tilts the
Earth at 23.5
Therefore,one side gets day and the other gets night. If it is day in
china the it is night in columbia. Did you know that the shortest day
is the summer solstice and the winter solstice the longest.99 percent
of the solar system is taken up by the sun.
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