Why was Hannah Lightbody a remarkable woman?


In Liverpool, from the late 18th century to the early 19th century, was a time of time of spectacular inventions that changed the whole world.The city made wealth from mechanical machinery and factories.However, this time was not always very good, it was a time of great inequality: workhouses; Harsh conditions for the poor; and the slave trade. In this time , Hannah Lightbody was born.

Hannah was born in the year 1766 to Adam Lightbody ( 1729-1778) and Elizabeth Tylston ( 1735-1801.) She was one of three sisters who survived to adulthood and the rest didn't. She was highly educated and was born a Unitarian. She had an interest in debating and reading. She had made wealth following her fathers death when she was 11 and the money was held in trust until she was 21.

  Hannah grew up with non-conformist beliefs. She criticised the slave trade. The slave trade was a trade where you bought African slaves kidnapped and transported in a slave ship to sell to others.The slaves were whipped and tortured but it wasn't illegal.

Hannah also believes that education was for girls, boys and poor people. She tried to make her workhouse better conditioned than others. In workhouses people worked and could only have a bit of bread and cheese a meal or a few other choices.

In 1789, Hannah Lightbody married Samuel Greg and then was known as Hannah Greg, Samuel was probably discriminated as he was Irish.He was a merchant and a textile manufacturer who employed illegitimate, abandoned and orphaned children who were called Parish apprentices, Hannah ensured the kids, including girls, got educated. The children had access to medical health. The children lived in apprentice houses and cottages for their adult workers. She also made them go to church.

Although Hannah Lightbody died in 1834, she left behind her legacy. Her 13 children. Elizabeth Greg, her daughter, made a public bath to fight the disease of cholera. Her nephew, Adam Hodgson founded the Anti-Slavery Society. Nowadays slavery has been abolished, everyone gets educated and there are much better working conditions.

                                             by  Ahmed G                                   


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