This book is written by Lis Pichon and it is one of the series of Tom Gates. It is about a boy called Tom Gates who is annoyed by his sister, Delia  so he  decides to pull pranks on her. Tom has band practise at their house. Tom goes to school and is always annoyed by a boy called Marcus which always shows off.

My favourite character is the main character which is Tom Gates because the songs he writes are really funny about biscuits one on her sister Delia the character I  think I don’t like Mr Fullerman because he has big beady eyes like what tom says.i don’t like Marcus as well because he annoys people and  I don’t like people annoying me.

My favourite part of the book is the biscuit song Tom Gates wrote it  rhymes and sounds good it has all kind of biscuits like carmel wafers, custard creams, oat, chocolate chip, chocolate and fig rolls.

I like the book because it is a picture book and I feel like kids who like picture books I would recommend it to them.

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