Shahin - Family reunite Newspaper article

On March 2nd 1989, a boy called Michael was found on an island in the middle of nowhere. His
parents where looking for him over a year because he went overboard. This island was unknown.

20th July

It was on 1988 when he disappeared. It was believed he went overboard on the night before his birthday. His dog (Stella) was believed to jump off to try and save him. 'Thank you everyone who tried to save him'.

He was found by his amazing parents. Michael (who was smart) made a huge fire for his parents to see. The parents gave up. 'We found him because of our hope in each other.'

Michael used bananas and other fruits to survive. He ate fish and water also to survive. He was smart on what to eat and what not to eat.'I used everything to survive and I was living in a cave.'

by Shahin


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