Kinzah hockey


Hockey is a type of game made by Cryptic sea. To play you need to use the letters “w” “s” “d” and “a”. The mouse is used for aiming the hockey. A top tip is to not move the mouse that much so then you won’t get confused.

The button”w” will move you forward the button”a” and “d” will move you side to side and the button “s” will move you backwards. The mouse is very important because if you didn’t have it you can’t hit the puck ,which is the thing you want to get in the goal, that’s why it’s important.

The graphics are also important because without them you can’t be able to exit or join.😱 I would describe them as really important you won’t be able to play without them.

This game is different to FIFA because you can go through the goals but the puck can’t. I think the graphics is in complex. I like the game because it is competitive and hard to play. I would recommend this.

It is for free so that is also why I recommend it as well . Also, it is really organised with the uniform. ITS FREE. 🤑


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