Miles For smiles Noor

             Miles For Smiles
In School, 16th May 2019, my class were running 1 mile –which is 5 laps around the field. I didn’t do it because I didn’t have my trainers… I wanted to try it a bit.

The Challenge                                                                                                          It looked quite easy for the first lap; most people were running, which I don’t recommend for the first lap. They should’ve ran at the last lap. MY friend was ‘in the lead’ , like it mattered, in the first lap and she was running fast!

I was encouraging a load of my classmates to carry on, Shahin did 13 laps! Lana did 7 laps and blah blah blah.  Its free so I recommend ore people to do it because you can do it whenever and it’s for free and it does keep you fit! But I did do one lap at the very end.


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